Would you like some feedback on your singing?

You can sing a song of your choice in the comfort of your own home and in your own time. Jai will then watch your pre-recorded video and analyse it for technique, performance and interpretation. You will receive a filmed video of spoken feedback along with a written PDF containing analysis and suggested points to work on.

Singers can be really critical of their own voices and can be overwhelmed by what they don’t like about it, failing to see what they are doing well. For improvement and progression we need to perform mindful practice and that is hard to do if you are unable to analyse and evaluate your performance constructively.

Sometimes you just need another set of ears to listen to it.

How it works…..

  • Click the link below and book a feedback session.

  • A feedback session is £40.

  • Film yourself singing a song of your choice. You don’t need great technology for this, you could film it on a phone. A full length shot is preferable so Jai can asses how you are using your body when you sing..

  • ​Email your pre-recorded video within two weeks of purchase.

  • ​It will be downloaded and your performance analysed.

  • ​You will receive your feedback in the form of a video and a PDF that will be emailed to you.

  • ​Jai aims to get your feedback to you within 5 days but if you have an urgent deadline let us know and she will try to accommodate.

Please Note:

  • This service is not always available. If Jai is in a busy filming, recording or touring schedule she does not offer this service. Therefore, please ensure that your video is emailed over  within two weeks of purchase. 

  • This service will only be available when Jai has the time in her schedule to give feedback. If there are no available slots then check back in a few days.

  • Jai will not assess for vocal health. If you want an opinion on suspected pathologies you will need to visit the appropriate ENT consultants.