What is Physical Identity?

As singers we spend a lot of time working on our vocal delivery. Once we feel our vocals are secure we start to develop our performance. But a massive part of this is how we hold ourselves physically and how we move around the performance space. We inhabit a physical identity.

So what exactly do I mean by this?

Well, think of an iconic artist, let’s take Freddie Mercury, for example….if you watched a performance of Freddie’s with him in a silhouette you would still be able to identify him. His physicality is as individual and distinctive as his voice is. You may also recognise Amy Winehouse in silhouette by her beehive hairdo as you might identify Sia by her bob but there is more to it than that. The way they stand, walk, sing, move and dance is identifiable. You would be able to tell Mick Jagger and Robbie Williams apart by their body language and they may have different body language for on stage and off.

  • Physicality may differ depending on the performance situation. For instance, a performance set for the O2 may be much more extreme and exaggerated than an intimate set at Ronnie Scotts. However, we as fans would probably recognise the subtle nuances in that artist’s movements to still identify them. 

  • Genre will also change the physical delivery. A rock singer may take a different physical approach to a jazz singer. This may sound obvious but what if they are standing still, would you still be able to tell them apart? Possibly. 

  • Characterisation can influence physicality too. If playing a role there will be things to take into consideration that would affect the physical behaviour of that character…in the setting of the show, the era, culture, upbringing, age of that character. 

  • You could say that physical identity is interlinked with someones personality traits…confidence, charisma, shyness, coyness. We all have several sides to our personalities too so we should have a palette of moods to incorporate into our physicality.

So, if you are just being yourself as an artist what defines you physically? 

Do you have a way of standing that is unique to you? 

Do you have any quirky moves that come out when you sing? 

Do you hold your guitar in a distinctive way?

I would suggest that you video yourself and dissect your physical performance, maybe watch with the sound turned off so that you can really focus on your body language without being sidetracked by the voice.


Interview - Sophie Garner


Interview - Emily Dolan Davies